You must be aware of attractive and stunning Instagram filters that beautifies your pic by adding various filters on it. Instragram is a popular app which is available free for both iOS and android O.S. Instrgram beside adding effects is also a kind of Social site, you can follow your friends , celebrities on Instagram and get their Instagram pics uploads. Also Instragram also allows you to share instagrams on other social sites like facebook , twitter etc. In case you want to get Instagram effects online, there are several websites that can help you get Instagram effects for free. Read the Posts below to instagram your images using PC.
1. Instagram your Photos Online using Pixlr-o-matic
2. Instagram effects online- 2
I hope you will like the sites in the above two links to add instagram effects to your images.
This post deals with 2 Android apps that can help you add awesome effects and filters to your images similar to Instagram.
Also read: Create Facebook cover photo or collage using Instagram Pics
1. PicsArt: Picsart- Photo studio is a free photo editor app that comes with many other features like Camera, Picture editor,adding magic effects,you can do drawing and share your stuff on all social networking websites. Various Magic effects like sketcher, orton , lomo, vintage, neon, old paper , pastel etc are similar to Instagram filters and creates fantastic images that are saved in your mobile gallery after adding effects. Take a look at the screenshots of this app.
You can install Picsart app on your android phone on Google Play Store > Link
2. Pixlr-o-matic: Pixlr-o-matic is anothet famous photo editing software from Autodesk inc. that are available for all O.S. as well for PC. Also they offers Online editing of images and adding filters effects. Pixlr-o-matic is also available for Android O.S. Editing pic is very user friendly. Take a look at the screenshot below.

You can get this app on your android gadgets by visiting this Link
Also read: Make a sketch out of Photo in 1 minute